Windows 9598seme Ram Limitation Patch

I'm reposting the following to a few newsgroups where I know some people still run win-98 as part of dual-boot setup, or have recently moved away from win-98, or for general knowledge. For at least the past 4 years, some windows-98 users have been able to use up to 4 gb of ram by using these patches. Memory constraints has long been seen as one of the major differences between win-9x/me and the NT line of OS's. But clearly, as this patch indicates, it has been an artificially-imposed constraint by Macro$haft. ---------------------------- It appears that some combination of a Windows-98 hot-fix and some hacking at least 4 years ago, possibly by some Germans, has resulted in a very simple set of 2 files that can allow Windows 98 to use up to 4 gb of ram. As time goes on we'll learn more about how this patch originated, but it seems to have been circulating in German-language windows forums up until now.

Thanks to Dencorso and his obtuse and irrational censorship as he lords over the Windows-98 Forums at, he indicated that such a German patch existed, and he labeled it as 'warez'. I then began a discussion on '' and the location of the patch files was posted thanks to a user there. That thread can be found here: Once Dencorso found out about that thread, he removed his own MSFN post where he described his censorship of the topic. He's so anal he even censored himself! Why on earth those moderators at MSFN think that Microsoft is in any way concerned about Windows 9x today defies explanation. They are their own worst enemies when it comes to helping advance and grow the Windows 9x/me enthusiast community. Their censorship efforts do nothing but instill a culture of fear and intimidation and diminish the community at MSFN.

Hopefully more enthusiasts and win-98 users will discover the free and uncensored windows 98 usenet groups and also the software forum at. Are you reading this Dencorso? Will you and your other moderators change your ways and allow more free and open discussion about how to advance Windows 9x/me - Microsoft be damned? Here is a link to the new VMM32.vxd and VMM.vxd files that allow Windows 98 to use all available ram on any motherboard you have, up to 4 gb: Scroll down to the last item, which is: 4 GB Hauptspeicher fr WIN 98SE ( mit )hot! But don't click on it. Instead, click on the small little 'Download' button right beside the 'Details' button. What you will download is (about 1mb in size).

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Aug 20, 2010  Windows 9x has many memory problems that are not publicly understood, such as the system resources limitation. When i worked for M$ i would get calls all the time from people that had a 10 year old computer trying to run the latest OS.

When you unpack it, you will find a reproduction of the Windows directory tree that helps tell you where to put these files. Inside WINDOWS SYSTEM you will find VMM32.VXD and you will copy that file to your own WINDOWS SYSTEM directory, over-writing the existing file which you should first rename to VMM32.vxd.old. You will also see a subdirectory called VMM32 which contains VMM.VXD (which you should copy to your WINDOWS SYSTEM VMM32 directory, and there will be no pre-existing file with that name. There is some indicatation that a file called ENABLE.VXD should also be placed in the WINDOWS SYSTEM VMM32 directory. That file is not normally found on win-9x systems, but it is on the win-98 CD. Here is a link to that file: The two files VMM32.VXD and VMM.VXD seem to have been in circulation since January 2010 because they were submitted to on that date for malware analysis. That was the first and only time they have been seen by Virustotal until I submitted them yesterday.