Computer Ethics 3rd Edition By Deborah G Johnson Pdf Download

Jun 8, 2018 - Download Read Computer Ethics (4th Edition) Ebook PDF Free Download. Book Details Author: Deborah G. Johnson Pages: 216 Binding.
Synopsis: Written in clear, accessible prose, this text brings together philosophy, law, and technology to provide a rigorous, in-depth exploration and analysis of a broad range of topics regarding the ethical implications of widespread use of computer technology. Text addresses philosophical ethics, professional ethics, ethics on-line, privacy, property rights and computer software, accountability and information technology, social implications and social values. For individuals interested in the ethical issues generated by technology. From the Publisher: Written in clear, accessible prose, this text brings together philosophy, law, and technology to provide a rigorous, in-depth exploration and analysis of a broad range of topics regarding the ethical implications of widespread use of computer technology. 'About this title' may belong to another edition of this title.
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